Campoamor and sons

The Future of Getting it Done in New York.

Working with Campoamor & Sons, you get the
whole family and we won’t stop until you get the results you deserve.

You Need the Best Advice

We understand how government works.

Campoamor & Sons’ leadership has advised labor leaders, borough presidents, mayors, and governors. The firm knows the decision makers, political pressure points, and regulatory and legislative processes needed to get results in New York.

We’re at the table with you.

We work side-by-side with your team until your strategic objective is reached. Campoamor & Sons becomes an arm of your business, campaign, or advocacy group, providing you with the strategy needed to guide your efforts and the firepower required to get results.

We have a professional network second-to-none.

Working with the who’s who of New York’s most influential leaders for more than a decade, there isn’t a corner of New York government, business, or media that Campoamor & Sons’ leadership hasn’t left untouched.  Whether it be an elected official, a commissioner, or agency staff, Campoamor & Sons will get you in front of whoever you need whenever you need them.

This work is our 24/7 passion.

Advocacy is second nature to us. For more than a decade, Campoamor & Sons’ leadership has been in the ring fighting for what we believe in and ensuring that the underdog always has a voice. Campoamor & Sons is at its best when there is a cause, mission, or vision worth the battle.

What We Do

Government Relations

The Campoamor & Sons team understands the fundamental principles of the governmental process within all levels of government organizations whether it is legislative, executive, regulatory or administrative. Our team works with our clients to create a strategic blueprint for navigating the political landscape to effectively build long lasting relationships with government bodies.

Strategic Business Consulting

With the Campoamor & Sons team you will receive high level advisory and business development services, to elevate your business to the next level and help open new doors. We assist clients in developing and executing strategies that realize their objectives, whether in new markets, sales growth, or capital formation.


The Campoamor & Sons team will guide you through bids for government contracts. We have a deep understanding of the complex procurement rules and policies, the state’s ever-changing budget situation, and the nuances of politics in the overall process. To ensure your business is in the correct position for funding, we work purposefully to strengthen your relationships with key state officials.

Cannabis Licensing and Advocacy

The Campoamor & Sons team helped draft New York’s groundbreaking cannabis legalization law and is committed to implementing an equitable industry that uplifts diverse communities and promotes New Yorkers. We are knowledgeable and well-read in New York’s complex and evolving cannabis licensing procedures. Our team has deep roots in the cannabis industry in New York.

Public Affairs and Coalition Building

With the Campoamor & Sons team your business will get to understand all the levels of government and furthermore how to maneuver through and target government officials. Our team has experience working with government indirectly and creating grassroots coalitions highlighting the voices of third party validators and respected community leaders.

Industries We Serve


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Audit & Evaluation

Nunc vitae cursus metus. Ut non mollis neque, ut pretium justo. Cras pharetra leo diam, vitae suscipit dolor tincidunt.

Consumer Markets

Maecenas cursus sollicitudin justo, ac vehicula dolor convallis eget. Duis molestie consequat dignissim.

Financial Services

Aliquam sem eros, suscipit a orci et, mollis ultrices nibh. Pellentesque ultricies nibh a libero luctus congue.

Taxes & Efficency

Vestibulum ac pellentesque nibh, vitae malesuada urna. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis dapibus leo.

Estate Planning

Nulla pulvinar varius mauris non aliquam. Sed vel laoreet lorem. Maecenas blandit ex vitae ex volutpat, sed laoreet elit suscipit.

Case Studies

Quisque Dynamic

Aenean consequat sapien ut libero ultricies placerat. Quisque euismod ac risus eget malesuada. Sed a convallis mauris. Aenean gravida leo ut rutrum tincidunt. Proin auctor porttitor orci, at scelerisque elit porta id.

Aliquam Corp

Cras at mauris et nisi efficitur finibus. Mauris pulvinar feugiat massa. Vivamus porta nibh sit amet mi egestas hendrerit. Praesent hendrerit, neque sit amet tempor viverra, nibh sem hendrerit ligula.


Campoamor & Sons has the relationships, drive, and know-how needed to accomplish your goals in New York. Its founder – who hails from a long line of New Yorkers whose life work was rooted in advocacy – understands the diversity of people, passions, and purpose that make this state great. We’ve helped navigate elected officials, policy makers, and businesses to decisions that have led to some of our most triumphant days. We’ve also rallied New Yorkers to come together during some of our most difficult and darkest moments.

We are a family business, keeping our friends, colleagues, and causes we care about close to our hearts. When you work with Campoamor & Sons, you get the whole family and we won’t stop until you get the results you deserve.

Happy Clients

" Fusce gravida condimentum luctus. Ut semper vel mauris finibus dapibus. Vivamus condimentum tellus elementum venenatis a egestas mauris. "
Andi Lane
Quisque Tech
" Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. "
Olive Mathews
Lorem Fund

Alec Whitten

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean gravida leo ut rutrum tincidunt. Cras at mauris et nisi efficitur finibus.


Kelis Ford

Aenean consequat sapien ut libero ultricies placerat. Quisque euismod ac risus eget malesuada. Sed a convallis mauris.

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